Ashton Shepherd - Ashton Shepherd - Regular Joe şarkı Sözleri


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Forum Üyesi
17 Mart 2019
Tepkime puanı
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I'm not trying to start anything
By coming up to you tonight
I know that he's yours now
It's sinking in with time
But tonight I've had too much to drink
And he stays on my mind
I just wanted to say he's the best
Thing you'll ever find

'Cause he ain't your regular Joe, you know?
And I'm the crazy fool that let him go
And if he says he loves you, then that's what he means
He's the best man I've ever seen
I just wanted you to know
He ain't your regular Joe

She turned to me sharply and said
You think I don't know that?
I can't believe you even spoke to me
What nerve you must have
I said, no you don't understand
You don't wanna be in my shoes
See, it took him leaving me
Before I ever knew

That he ain't your regular Joe, you know?
And I'm the crazy fool that let him go
And if he says he loves you, then that's what he means
He's the best man I've ever seen
I just wanted you to know
He ain't your regular Joe

So she drove home from that bar to say
That she was sorry to him
She was wrong to have stormed out to go
Somewhere she shouldn't have been
He said, hey baby, that's okay
Everybody has their days
That's when she turned to him to say

You ain't your regular Joe, you know?
And I don't ever plan to let you go
'Cause when I say I love you, then that's what I mean
You're the best man I've ever seen
Oh baby, I love you so
You ain't your regular Joe
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