As Blood Runs Black - A Beautiful Mistake şarkı Sözleri


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Forum Üyesi
17 Mart 2019
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I look into the eyes of a broken heart pride thats made of stone
Why am I destroyed by love, what made your self so cold?
Is it the darkness that covers yourself black?
This isn't the girl I know who stabbed me in the back
Facing you, your words like a gun,
One shot when you speak so pull the trigger and aim at me
I'm stuck in the middle of a cross fire,
Breaking me down is what you desire
I wont let you

So my soul will seek, inside of me,
My true self and what I believe
What's to become of ourselves?
Has love lost its meaning?

You showed me the way to love, and I came about,
Then you stole my heart then left me
I'm waiting for the day to come that you'll save me
So my soul will seek, inside of me,

My true self and what I believe
What's to become of ourselves?
Has love lost its meaning?

Pushed to the edge of this world, this is why I cant love
The moment I hope that you'll come rescue me
I will fall in love with you
Take me away with you
Take me away with you
Suicide in my mind cant change
I cant live without you
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