As Blood Runs Black - Angel City Gamble şarkı Sözleri


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Forum Üyesi
17 Mart 2019
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The struggle!
Resistance on the heels of our climb
but without struggle we'll never learn to rise!
Above and see beyond the preconceived
what's in front of your eyes is only lies
...unless you choose to believe!

Break away!
From those who ımpede!
Cut all the tıes!
Break away!
And follow your dreams!!

Find solace in uncertainty
now is the time!
To make a move!, defy the odds!

In the face of adversity we reach for the sky
hesitations no longer allowed
today's the day to attempt the impossible!

Sever the voice that hinders!!
And follow your ınstincts!!

Wıll you pursue?!
Wıll you. Pursue?!?!
Wıll you pursue?!?!
An easy way out or a road less traveled?
The solution can be found within you!
An easy way out or a road less traveled?
The solution can be found within you!

Break away!
From those who ımpede
cut all the tıes
break away
and follow your dreams!!!

And if you want to succeed...
You must risk ıt all

do not fear the failures
stay clear from the trails of the heard
this time - tıme wıll not be wasted!!
And ıf you fall stay determıned to stand!!!!!!
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